Recent Graduates

Pathways Recent Graduates Program


The Recent Graduates Program provides a new path to a potential career in the civil service for individuals who have graduated in the past two years from a qualifying educational institution with an associate's, bachelor's, master's, professional, doctorate, vocational or technical degree or certificate. Military veterans may apply up to six years after receiving their degree or certificate if they have been prevented from doing so because of a military service obligation.


Applicants selected for the program are placed in a dynamic, developmental program with the potential to lead to a civil service career in the federal government. The program lasts for one year unless the training requirements of the position warrant a longer and more structured training program.


In order to be eligible for the Recent Graduates Program, applicants must:


1)  Have completed within the two previous years a qualifying associate's, bachelor's, master's, professional, or doctorate degree; OR have received a vocational or technical certificate from a qualifying educational institution.


2)  Veterans who have been unable to apply within two years of receiving a qualifying degree or certificate, due to military service obligation, may apply up to six years after receiving the qualifying degree or certificate.


Program Administration


The Recent Graduates Program is administered by the hiring agency, and the successful applicant must sign a Participation Agreement that outlines the expectations of the program.


The agency must provide:


  • an orientation program for the Recent Graduate;
  • mentorship throughout the program;
  • an Individual Development Plan to create and track Recent Graduates' career planning, professional development, and training activities;
  • at least 40 hours of formal, interactive training each year of the program; AND
  • a position that offers opportunity for career advancement.


Program Completion and Potential Conversion


Recent Graduates may be converted to a permanent position after successfully completing the program if they are eligible for conversion.  To be eligible, Recent Graduates must have:


  • successfully completed at least one year of continuous service in addition to all program requirements;
  • demonstrated successful job performance; AND
  • met the qualifications for the position to which the Recent Graduate will be converted.


Information on the Pathways Internship program.


Information on the Presidential Management Fellows program.